Thrifting “lady date” Thrifting “lady date”

Hey all! Thanks SO much for all the wonderful comments and emails about our sweet Peanut ! Many of you asked, and he’s a Chihuahua/rat terri...

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8:58 PM

10,000(!) and month in review 10,000(!) and month in review

Hey all! First of all, before I say anything else – I need to say a huge THANKS and a WHOOHOO! Tonight I hit 10,000 followers: I had ...

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7:43 PM

Photographs: My favorite art Photographs: My favorite art

Well hello all! Can you believe it’s almost the weekend already? I swear this week has absolutely flown by. I got one project completed...

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8:55 PM

Organize It Party! Organize It Party!

Well howdy! Hope you had a fantastic weekend and President’s Day! Did you get any purging done? Organizing? Getting rid of STUFF?? :) If n...

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7:04 PM