Whoohoo! It’s a Silhouette giveaway frenzy folks!!

I’m back today to show you what I’ve been up to with my new favorite crafty tool:


If you’ve read this blog for one hot second, you know I’m a little obsessed with labeling things. I label things that have their items in plain sight – like a basket full of cleaning supplies, I’ll label “cleaning supplies.”

OK. I know. But it’s fun!!

Well, my DYMO label maker is positively sulking in it’s drawer right now. The Silhouette may just take over around here.

It is SO easy it is to use this machine – once you get the software downloaded, it’s just a few steps and you’re cutting away! (Silhouette did NOT ask me to mention this by the way – I’m mentioning it because it really is easy.)

The first step (for text anyway) is to get your words on the document, then play around with fonts, sizes, whatever:

When I get a free 30 minutes (which will be in 15 years) I want to just play around with all of the tools to see how they work!

When you are ready to cut, it will take you through a few steps before you can start. One is to specify the medium you are cutting – the Silhouette will tell you which blade cover to use:


It takes about 10 seconds to change out the covers. Then place your paper or vinyl on the mat, click “Cut” and yer done!:

I used the vinyl they included for some of labeling projects, and some store bought vinyl I had as well. I did notice that the store bought vinyl was a bit thicker and needed the deepest blade – the Silhouette vinyl was fine with the most shallow one.

Silhouette provided transfer paper for easy vinyl application – it rocked! It’s just like the stuff that’s on top of vinyl lettering you buy. You place it on top of the vinyl and then use it to stick it to your surface:

And my labeling sickness continues.

Before, the booooring DYMO label:

(Don’t cry DYMO, I really do still love you. Kisses!)

After -- big, bold and cute vinyl!:

And remember my little chalkboard labels in our pantry? I was getting so tired of the chalk rubbing off every time I grabbed for my Pringles healthy crackers. So I made some vinyl labels instead (below the cauute labeled jars):


I’m in labeling heaven.  :)

This week I declared war on the paper clutter in our house (I’ll tell you more about that soon), so we now have two trash cans in the garage that needed labeling:


Because if we put a recycled item in the shred bin, that would just create extra work. And if a “shred” paper went in the recycle bin, then someone may see our bank statement and see how many Pringles I buy.

Can’t have that. :)

And for a fun little treat, just in case my hubby forgets what the small white pellets are in the laundry room:

vinyl lettering

He’ll be thanking me, I’m sure. :)

If you haven’t seen the Silhouette giveaway yet, click here! You have till next Tuesday to enter (and there are five ways to do so!)

Sooo…are you an obsessive labeler like me? Do you label things just to label them? Cause you KNOW it’s cute!! (Just look at that jar up there!) Or do you throw caution to the wind and just assume people will know where the trash is?  :) Do tell.


Don’t forget the awesome Crate and Barrel gift card giveaway – it ends Friday the 25th at 5 p.m. Eastern time!


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