May I direct your attention to the new page I finally added to my website?  Blogs I Love.  I've been meaning to do this forever, and Hooray!  I've done it!

Please let me know if you read a blog that I really should be checking out.  As you may know, I have approximately 374 unfinished projects in the works, and I'm trying to get to an even 5000, so the more blogs I read, the more projects I can add to my to-do list.

Speaking of my To Do List, this is #18:

There’s a hole in my bedroom wall  that has a wire coming out of it.  I’m pretty sure that my husband wants to do something important with this wire – find out what that is

We've lived here almost a year, and I just now asked Big A what that was - and he told me it's going to be a switch to turn on outdoor lights.  So, now I know.  And so do you.


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