Sunday was a beautiful sunny cool day, so my Mom and I went to Dickman Farms to have a look around.  We bought some Mums, and plotted how we're going to decorate for fall.  The garden centers, like our local Dickman Farms, are full off fall decor for your porch, yard or home.

Just walking into Dickman Farms puts you in the mood to decorate!

[caption id="attachment_520" align="aligncenter" width="124"] Decor for Fall[/caption]

The Black Eyed Susan's were huge!   And happen to have all of my favorite colors in one flower.

[caption id="attachment_521" align="aligncenter" width="124"] Black Eyed Susan[/caption]

Black Pansies are intriguing, and would look awesome for Halloween.

[caption id="attachment_522" align="aligncenter" width="124"] Black Pansies[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_523" align="aligncenter" width="124"] Purples[/caption]

Loved this little display:

[caption id="attachment_524" align="aligncenter" width="124"] Autumn at Dickman Farms[/caption]

And, just because yellow is my favorite color, I'm including this picture of the mums!  Which my "Mum" very kindly bought for me!

[caption id="attachment_525" align="aligncenter" width="124"] Yellow![/caption]




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