I should be painting, but with the storm approaching, I'm choosing to lay low, and dream up comfort food to make before we lose power.  The threat of a storm always makes me think of my stomach, and a possible shortage of things to put in it.  (For those who know me, I'm sure this comes as no surprise).

However, I did prepare for the likely power outage, and getting into true survival mode, here's what I did:

Made coffee and put it in a thermos.
Took a shower.
Gathered 1 flashlight, which I found is not in working order.
Found one battery powered lamp, which is in working order.
Got laundry done.
Ran dishwasher.
Made spaghetti.
Made Currant Tarts.

SO, as you can see, if we lose power, I'm completely able to survive.  I'll be clean, have a lamp, hot coffee, cold spaghetti, and little pies!

(Seriously, I do wish everyone in the path of the storm well. And hope everyone stays safe.)


This recipe was passed down in our family from my great-grandmother.  Everyone who tries one of these mini-pies asks for the recipe.  Everyone!   I find dried currants where you find raisins in the grocery store, and also in the bulk food section.

  • 1/2 cup real butter room temperature

  • 1 cup granulated sugar

  • 1 large egg

  • 2 teaspoons vanilla

  • 1 cup dried currants

For the Pastry

  • 2 cups all-purpose flour

  • 1/4 teaspoon salt

  • 2/3 cup lard

  • 3 -4 tablespoons cold water


  1. To Make the Filling:.

  2. Wash the currants and drain them.

  3. Stir the sugar and butter together well. Mix in the egg and vanilla until well blended. Stir in the currants.

  4. To Make the Pastry:

  5. Mix the flour and salt together.

  6. Cut the lard into the flour and salt until the consistency is like crumbs. Gradually add enough of the water to make the dough hold together, and form it into a ball.

  7. Roll out the dough and cut out with a round cookie cutter and fit into muffin tins (regular size, not mini).

  8. To Assemble & Bake:

  9. Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees

  10. Put a large spoonful (about 2 tablespoons) of the filling into each unbaked tart shell.

  11. Bake @ 375 for 15 to 20 minutes, until bubbly and golden and crust is done. (Don't over-bake - the filling should not be too brown or crispy.).

Honesty report:  I do not make pie crust!  I buy it and cut it to fit in the muffin tins!



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