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November in review!November in review!

Happy Friday to you! (And you!) It’s time for another month in review here at TDC, just to catch you up on any projects you may have missed this month. This is the part where I always say I can’t believe how fast the year is going by…sooooo, holy canoly, I cannot even believe how fast the year is go…

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Thank God for KidsThank God for Kids

Note:This is the mushiest post I will ever write.Bear with me, and I will go back to my usual sarcasm tomorrow.***********Growing up in my family, Christmas music consisted of Willie Nelson, John Denver, and The Oak Ridge Boys - to name a few. Oh, my sister and I complained about our parents subject…

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How I space plan (and a basement sofa!)How I space plan (and a basement sofa!)

Hello there! How are ya? Today I’m sharing a little more progress on the basement, in the form of furniture! Yahoo!!! Before, when we used the basement unfinished (which we did all the time), we had a couple chairs and an old loveseat down there. The chairs were comfy but the loveseat was not, and i…

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Binding to get the perfect rugBinding to get the perfect rug

Hey hey! Whazzzzup. OK, I’ve been meaning to post about this little tip for months and months and just…I don’t know…didn't. And then a friend told me about the rug sale at Rugs USA yesterday (75 percent off people! GO. After you read this post!) and I found two rugs (crossing fingers they work) fo…

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Festive outdoor decorFestive outdoor decor

Hola! How was your holiday weekend? Great I hope! Ours was lovely – got plenty of time in with the family, did some holiday decorating (still tons to do), saw a GREAT movie (Rise of the Guardians – amazing) and just enjoyed being home. (Thanks so much for your wonderful comments on last week’s pos…

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Cyber Monday!Cyber Monday!

Shop Amazon - Cyber Monday Deals WeekWell it's Cyber Monday.  I'm sure there are billions of deals out there to be had.  I have my shopping list.  And am going to, at some point, check out the prices on pricegrabber, and AMAZON.If you're a woman, the most difficult people to buy for are:  Dad and Hu…

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Home decor giveaway!Home decor giveaway!

**This giveaway is now closed. Winners have been contacted via email. Well if you’re like me you’re still in a food coma and laying in bed a little extra longer this morning. But if you’re like some of my friends who go out at 1 a.m. (2 a.m.? 4 a.m.? I have no idea, I’m sleeping then) then you are …

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Black FridayBlack Friday

Today is Black Friday.  I don't like Walmart at the best of times, but I avoid it like the plague when it's Black Friday.However, today I was gonna have to face my fears.  I needed to buy a flat screen TV for the kids play room.  It was half price, so heading out to the madness seemed unavoidable.  …

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