new year, new chapter, DIY, new home, new house

It's the end of one chapter, but the start of many more.

Hey all! 

I've been MIA for a little while. 

Things happen, and sometimes, one has to take a little break. 
We've had to move, and it's been a whirlwind.

But I'm back! 

And I see that all of my loyal friends and followers have been hanging in there, 
and have still been checking in with my blog.

For that, I'm so grateful! 

So, although I've sadly had to say goodbye to our home, 
the great news is that we've moved into another beautiful house.  

And I plan on having lots of fun working on making it a great home! 

These are a series of pix of all of my favorite spots 
in and around my "old" home (which is actually NEW). 

And when we are into the New Year, 
I'll share some pictures of my "new" home (which is actually OLD). 

I hope you all have a great holiday season.

And I wish you a very Happy New Year! 

Thank you for staying with me. 

I look forward to 2015,

and I will see you all in the New Year, with more projects, DIY, and recipes. 

My holiday and New Year's wish for all of you, is that you will ~

~ Julia


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