Big A usually rolls his eyes at my DIY ramblings. Or, much like Miss Kay and Phil from Duck Dynasty, I keep talking and talking, while Big A nods and pretends to be listening to me.

(Not that I'm obsessed with Duck Dynasty or anything, but you really should watch that!).

I can't say that I blame Big A. I can go on for half an hour about how great it is that I found burlap for $3, or that the thrift store has 40% off on Tuesdays, or that I found an UNOPENED bag of wood shims in the basement (!). It's not surprising he finds it hard to share my enthusiasm. Too bad he's not Ryan:
Best Ryan Gosling Hey girl memes

So you can imagine my surprise, when, one day, as I was going on and on talking about a clever project I had seen on Pinterest, Big A was LISTENING

Everyone has tons of rakes and shovels and garden-y type tools that lean in the corner, right? And of course, the one you need is at the back of the stack, so when you grab it and they all fall over... Well, no more! The clever idea was to secure pieces of PVC to a board and used it to corral the tools. So of course, I explained this to Big A (admittedly, in great detail).

LO AND BEHOLD - Big A actually said he liked the idea!

I fell over and yelled, "Someone get me the paddles, STAT! I'm going into disbelief-arrest!!!"

Once I recovered from the shock, to further my amazement, my hubby actually went down to the basement and made the DIY project I'd been (so eloquently) talking about!

As you can see he just screwed the PVC to the plywood, and voila! Not too bad. It keeps them out of the corner, and from falling over! My life is now complete - now if I could just get up off the floor...

To see the original idea that I was referring to click HERE.


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