christmas decor, christmas lights, decorating for christmas

Good Morning! Sitting across from my kitchen window feels a little festive now. As you may know, I had a set back in the Christmas decorating department, and I'm trying to play catch-up now.

Yesterday my kitchen window started out like this. (photo from earlier in the year, but you get the idea...)

christmas decor, decorating ideas for christmas
I love my little kitchen window. I spend quite a bit time here - with three kids at home I wash a lot of dishes! Plus when I'm on the computer, sitting at the island, it has the perfect view of the woods, where I keep an eye out for deer, turkey, and Big Foot.
Since I'm feeling better, I decided it was categorically time to say goodbye to autumn, and get ready for Christmas. It is 8 degrees F outside, so rather than actually go out, I went straight to my basement and went shopping. I was hopeful, but... nothing.
So I headed to my next favorite place to rummage - the dining room hutch. Score!  

When you're 46 36, you have a lot of things hanging around that you might have forgotten about put away for a special occasion. (It's a true fact that I rarely have to go out of my own home to shop.)

These brass candlesticks have never been put out. Mainly because they're boring. And all they needed? A little glitter. In this instance, a thin coat of gold glitter with a light spray of silver glitter.

A quick spray with my new fave - Rustoleum Glitter Spray Paint , and they looked a lot more like Christmas:

I hung up some fairy lights, and a little bead and ribbon garland, and this is what my kitchen window looks like in the (very early) morning: 

 And at night:

Little by little... And by Christmas Eve I hope the house will be glowing in time for Santa!

Next up is the tree.

(A not to those of you know my obsession - I promise, no more about glitter. I swear!)


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