salmon recipe, salmon parcels, recipe for salmon

Do you like salmon? My family is divided, but if I had a choice I would eat salmon all the time. I would happily rotate it with lobster and raw oysters. That's all I'd need to be happy. (Well, maybe also a glass or two of chardonnay. And possibly the company of Channing Tatum  my husband.)

....I digress.

I've been making this recipe since I had a catering business, called A la Carte, back in the dark ages. It's a super easy recipe, but this salmon is special occasion worthy. Give it a try and let me know what you think.

Salmon Parcels
serves 6

6 x 6 oz salmon fillets
2 tsp salt
16 oz package of phyllo pastry
6 tbsp pesto sauce
Olive oil cooking spray

Season the fish with salt.

Take two phyllo sheets and fold in half. Lay a piece of salmon on the phyllo (take care to tuck any tail piece under the salmon).

Top each piece of salmon with at tablespoon of the pesto. (Store bought is just fine, but if you want to get all Martha, go ahead and make your own.)

Draw the phyllo up around the salmon and make a “knot” by twisting the phyllo so it stays in place.

With scissors cut off any excess phyllo from the knot.

Place each parcel on a non-stick cookie sheet, sprayed with olive oil cooking spray. Refrigerate (covered with plastic wrap) until ready to cook.

Heat your oven to 400°F. Spray the olive oil over each parcel.

Cook in the middle of the oven for 15 minutes or until each parcel is golden brown.

salmon recipe, salmon parcels, recipe for salmon
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(I'm thinkin' green beans and new potatoes would pair perfectly with this.)

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