First of all, I must say…


OK, done.

I wanted to remind you all about the party this Monday the 18th. It’s the first of it’s kind here at TDC so I hope you’ll link up and check it out! Any posts about cleaning short cuts, tips or products you love are welcome. And because I’m a sucker for it – let’s throw in decluttering and organizing cause we all know you can’t get real clean until all the crap is out. ;)

I’ll have the link up Sunday evening.

I am so glad you love the “decrapify” term. It’s my absolute favorite word! (YES! More than cauuute!) I can’t take credit for it though, the brilliant Sue at Laundry for Six used it in a comment last summer and I asked her if I “borrow” it because I fell. in. lurve.

Just a few things I wanted to tell you about – my friend Beki at The Rusted Chain (formerly of Pampering Beki) is donating $10 from every "Blessed" necklace to Compassion International to help towards the Haiti relief effort. I own this necklace and it’s one of my favorites! Check out her site for more info.

Help support a fellow blogger who recently lost her husband (at 39 years old!) by checking out her online shop, Feather Your Nest. (And maybe throw in a prayer for her and her family as well.) All of her items are 25 percent off, as she is closing her shop because of this tragedy.

Love our beautiful blogland full of big hearts! Have a great Sunday!


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