Tops of 2011 Tops of 2011

Hey hey! How is your last week of the year coming along? I’m still not doing much. Other than eating. And sitting. And sleeping. ;) Yester...

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7:47 PM

Top Ten of Eleven Top Ten of Eleven

Well hey there! Remember me? :) I’ve had such a lovely, totally lazy week…it has been absolutely wonderful. I’m still in low key mode but su...

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9:21 PM

Merry Christmas to you & yours Merry Christmas to you & yours

From ours. :) Do you know how hard it is to get a family photo when one kiddo is in college? Nearly impossible. I cherish them big tim...

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5:51 PM

Head start Head start

Well…I’ve caught the bug. Just a bit early this season. The clutter is driving me MAD and I had to do something about it. I’m still enjoying...

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8:45 PM

Secret Santa (and a few things) Secret Santa (and a few things)

Hello there! How the heck are ya?! First of all…AHHHHHH!!!: Are you freakin’ out yet? Just a friendly reminder, that’s all. ;) I h...

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8:15 PM

Spreading Christmas CHEER! Spreading Christmas CHEER!

Hello all! I hope you had a lovely weekend! I got absolutely ZERO done – Saturday we quite literally laid around all day, and only got our b...

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6:56 PM