From ours. :)


Do you know how hard it is to get a family photo when one kiddo is in college? Nearly impossible. I cherish them big time when we get one. Especially when we’re all smiling and actually looking at the camera. :)

Of course I couldn’t resist playing around on Picnik a bit:

family fun

My stepdaughter is gonna kill me. I think I’ll put this on Facebook and tag her.

Of course I couldn't forget the Nutter Butter:


I had to fake that Santa hat cause there was no way he was going to let me put one on him. He is not a dress-me-up kind of dog. :)

I hope you had an absolutely lovely day. We did and I’m feeling especially blessed this evening.

I wanted to send out a huge THANK YOU to you all as well. I cannot express how much I love doing what I do, and you are all a BIG reason I’m able to do it. I am so thankful for your friendship – whether we’ve met or not. :)

Merry, MERRY Christmas!!

And now, I’m off to have thirds seconds of the apple dumplings. The treadmill and I have a date…starting tomorrow.


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