Well…I’ve caught the bug. Just a bit early this season. The clutter is driving me MAD and I had to do something about it. I’m still enjoying the magic of the season, believe me. (Sitting by the Christmas lights and eating my second cookie of the day right now.)

I’m just overwhelmed by the stuff already.

Not the Christmas stuff, just the STUFF. Usually I wait till all the holiday decor is put away before I start the new year decrapification process, but this year I just couldn’t wait.

There was a pile that was growing in the basement that was a little big HUGE reason why I didn’t want to wait any longer.

Be prepared. I’m showing you my bad side. Again.

I’ll preface this photo with a “it looks much worse than it is.”  ;)

Told you I was a piler. :)

The pile started in early October –- I moved a bunch of the little odds and ends down there when they installed our new floors.

When we got things back together, some of the stuff just kind of conveniently stayed down there. I was tired of going up and down the stairs. Something like that.

OK, for real, the pile looks way worst than it is. It’s long. And wide. But low.

OK, I give up. It was bad.

I started attacking in yesterday and got it all down to one little bag of stuff I just don’t have a stinkin’ clue what to do with. You know that stuff? The stuff that hurts my head when I try to figure out where it belongs.

It’s a small bag. I can deal with it. (And I will.)

Now the space is cleaned up:

And I’m totally PUMPED to keep going. The basement is always our dumping ground. By the end of the year it’s a junk-magnet.

Every year I purge like I’ve never purged before. This year, I’m FOR REAL gonna purge (like never before) cause we’re hoping this will finally be the year we start finishing the basement.

We have said that every year for almost eight years now, but I think it may actually happen this time. :)

Even unfinished, I’ve shown you how we use this space a ton:


Who needs ceilings? Or drywall? Flooring? Flooring schmooring. :)

We’ve moved some furniture down there and turned what will be a movie room space into an actual comfortable, cozy movie room until-a-movie-room. We’ve been down there enjoying it every night this week.

I’ll show you how that space looks soon, and share our plan for finishing this space – I’ll need your advice if you’ve finished a basement!

So, has the decrapification bug bitten you yet? What’s the one space you’re itching to get to?

I hope to post again before Christmas, but I’m just kind of enjoying our home and family, so I won’t make any promises. :)

If I don’t talk to you before, I want to wish you and yours a very lovely, warm, beautiful, MERRY CHRISTMAS!! I’m so blessed to have you all in my life. :)


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