Well hello there! Hope your week is going smashingly. ;)

I’m SO excited because we get our new sectional for the family room in just a couple of days. I am so giddy it’s just ridiculous. You’d think I was about to birth a sofa. ;)

I’ve got a day of moving furniture around (yippee! I mean, really, yippee!!) planned tomorrow, and after a few more changes I hope to show you the space next week.


Before I show you the fantastic blogger I’m showing off this month, I need to announce the two winners of the Vintage Poster giveaway. The lucky gals are Karen at Pine Oak Ranch (she has a grandbaby due soon!) and Amanda Smith at The Smith Family.

Congrats ladies! Please send me a quick email and I’ll get you hooked up with your gifts. :)

OK, onto the fantastic blogger-o-the-month. You’re going to kinda love me/kinda hate me after reading this post, cause you’ll click over and be at Kristi’s site for a LONG TIME. Consider yourself worthless for the evening.

But you’ll love me because there’s so much good stuff over there. ;)

Kristi at Addicted 2 Decorating is an interior designer in Waco, Texas who loves to DIY.  About a year ago, she made the decision to only take on projects where she can do all of the work herself – meaning no contractors, no painters. She does it all and loves it (like me and so many of you!)

I found Kristi a long time ago when I saw her take on the gumball fish tank:

Our version is usually in the Bub’s room:

gumball machine fishtank

But hubby has moved him out to the playroom where it’s “warmer” -- he’s a tropical fish you know. The Squishy fishy and hubs are BFFs. ;)

Her transformations are awesome – this thrift store chair had potential:

And Kristi made it into a beautiful after:

shower curtain seat

I LOVE what she used on the seats! Go here to see. :)

I think my mouth dropped open when she used art from Nudge Home as inspiration:

And made her own. Get ready for this…

GAH. Can you believe it? To see her process, go here.

Sunburst mirrors are all the rage right now, and there are some in particular I’m really digging. I’m trying my hand at one myself using shims, but then I saw Kristi’s version and hung my head in shame:

shim sunburst mirror

Now that is gorgeous!

She also shares the transformations in her client’s homes, and this recent one is just stunning. The upholstered wall was beautiful enough:


But with the addition of some DIY art, I was really swooning:

upholstered wall

And I guarantee YOU could do it too – go here to see what she used. I think that is just lovely! (To see more of a how-to on the wall, go here. I’m bookmarking it fo sho.)

And finally, Kristi’s kitchen is just SO fun…I know you’ll love it:

aqua green kitchen

I warned you…you’ll be surfing through her site for awhile. :) Put the kids to bed, grab a drink and prepare to put a dent in the couch.

COUCH! Did I mention ours comes this week???? Oh, I did?  ;)

If you’d like me to show off your blog, send me an email with the subject line “Show Me Off.” Include some links to your favorite projects! I will get to all of you amazingly talented Squeezies someday. :)


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