Hey hey! I hope your weekend was GREAT! I felt like we were moving constantly but didn’t accomplish much – ever feel like that?

Last weekend I had the pleasure of meeting up with my friend Myra from My Blessed Life – her family was in town and we took advantage of the chance to spend an afternoon together!

At first I suggested we go shopping at HomeGoods, but then I remembered one of my very favorite spots in Indy:


Midland Arts and Antiques is a glorious spot for any shopper/thrifter/DIYer. Two massive floors of antique and vintage goodies. It’s ahhhmazing. I knew Myra would love it too!

Some trips I only find a couple things, some I find so many I can’t decide what I’m going to get. This was one of those trips! Here’s some of my favorites!

This aqua chip and dip bowl was gorgeous:


I’m still kicking myself for not getting it! But alas, I had run out of hands. ;)

I LOVED this huge bell:


I got a smaller version at HomeGoods a few months ago and this one was HUGE!

I’m still kicking myself for not getting it. ;)

The Bub wanted me to show you the choo choo:


He’s crazy about trains! :)

I was nuts for this mirror:


It was awesome – it was a concave antiqued mirror and the frame was so. cool. But it was already sold – DRATS.

Such a tease.

This one had us both salivating:


It was HUGE – we thought it would be a fantastic kitchen island! (In a HUGE kitchen.)

So here’s what I filled my hands with – an old, rusty in all the right places watering can:

antique watering can

It works great – no leaks!

The Bub loved this phone:

And I am slightly offended that it’s considered antique, or even vintage. I used those phones, hellooo. ;)

It works too! We all get a kick out of it.

I loved this platter:

It was only $6, and the tag said it was made in Italy:


I still can’t tell if it was made in Italy or made by someone named Jaly. ;)

I found a big honkin’ wide mouth Ball jar:

It was only $6 – I’ve never seen a Ball jar that big!

It makes a perfect vase:

wide mouth Ball jar

Sunflowers – they scream it’s late summer and fall is coming soon!! LOVE.

They have had a TON of these amber jars for months now:

Both Myra and I were thinking up ideas because they were such a beautiful color and only $2 each!

I ended up getting three, and so far one is a vase:

amber jar sunflowers

And I filled one with sand and plopped a tea light inside:

amber jar candle

It will look a whole lot better with dry sand. Nice.

It was hot as HADES in Midland that day – geesh. But we had such a great time! We just needed a shopping cart (or two).


See? Hot mess. Myra, of course, looked as beautiful as always. It’s like she doesn’t sweat! :)

You can see some of Myra’s treasures here! Love you girl!

What would you do with my finds? How about the amber jars? Found any fun antique finds lately? Want to go to Midland with me? ;) Do tell!


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