Many of you have noticed that I love New York City. It’s deep. I love it like I love a friend – I knew even before I ever visited that I would love it. I just knew.

And I was right. On my first trip to NYC almost exactly ten years ago, I feel in love with the city. Hard and fast.

We were there two weeks before our country was attacked. My hubby got a shot with the impressive towers behind me (we were at the Statue of Liberty):

You have to look really hard to see them. That is still so eerie to me. I swear over the years when I look at this picture, it’s harder to see them. Isn’t that crazy?

We’ve been back countless times since – we got married there too. We couldn’t think of a better place to do it and I would do it again a million times over. (Marry my husband and marry him in New York.) :)

Last summer I took a trip to NYC with some friends, and we spent an afternoon at Ground Zero. We went through the Ground Zero Museum and it was heart wrenching and so incredibly powerful. Like last year, I’d like to share some of the photos with you today.

I think I’ll share them on this day every year…because time can make us forgetful. Time can steal away how we felt on that day – the sorrow and the despair, and the pride that was positively bursting from each one of us.

We just can’t forget.

I’ll let the pictures do all the talking:

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Every single person who died on that day – in New York, Washington D.C. and Pennsylvania -- and since then fighting for our country, is a hero in my eyes.

I am so proud to be an American.

God Bless America!


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