Hey there! It’s time to party down at this month’s Before and After Party! Whoo HOO!

This month I’m sharing a really simple update I’ve talked about a few times – but it makes such a BIG difference (I think anyway).

Earlier this year I showed you the Craigslist dresser I got for the office:

I’ve purchased a few things from this Craigslist seller, and she always uses those basic wood knobs on all of her pieces. They were on the buffet in the foyer as well (before on left, after right):


You can see more about those glass knobs here.

Because I love the look of those on the black furniture so much, I decided to check out Hob Lob during the half off knobs week (the most magical week of the month baby!) last month.

They didn’t have the look I was going for, but I LOVE what I ended up with! First, I had to get those dang wood jobbies off – which isn’t as easy as it sounds. These are always stuck on GOOD – I think she puts them on immediately after painting, so they stick and end up curing on there.

To get them off, I used a razor to score around the knob, then hit a putty knife with a hammer to get them to pop off:

Of course you’ll want to unscrew them first. Cause if you forget that step, you may keep banging on the knob wondering WHY IN THE WORLD IT WON’T COME OFF:


No fear – if the new hardware will cover your little freak out, you’re good. ;)

hobby lobby hardware

The middle of the top drawer had smaller knobs, and of course those left the biggest mess when I took them off:

changing out knobs

Because I was installing smaller hardware there, I needed to fix them up a bit.

I just sanded them down and then used my own black paint to touch it all up. You can’t even tell:

white ceramic knobs

You can close up, but like always…anyone that would notice that would get a cookie. And no one has gotten a cookie yet. Well…they have, but not for noticing my imperfect projects. :)

So here’s a couple before and afters -- the blah wood knobs on the left and the new-but-look-old on the right:

  black dresser dark floors

I LOVE them against the black! The white ceramic looks fantastic with the white board and batten behind it. And they make opening the drawers SO much easier – they are much deeper so it’s easier to get a hold of them. Bonus!

Here’s a before shot of the whole dresser:

And the after!:

white knobs black dresser

Excuse the horrible night shot – the good photos may be lost forever because of daylight savings time. ;)

Alrighty – it’s time to see what you’ve been up to! I’m hoping to see some Christmas goodness here and there! I know you won’t disappoint! ;)

I would love it if you would link back to this post -- you’re welcome to include my beauty of a button as well:

tdc before and after

Have fun and link it up baby!


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