Hey hey! We’ve been dealing with a blue screen of death around here tonight – but Hubs saved the day. :) And then Live Writer decided to hate me...so this post looks a little different because I'm publishing in Blogger. Because I’m getting this up later than I had hoped, this will be a quick post, so you all can get to linkin’!
I'm just glad to have it GO UP. 

Today’s party is the last in the Spring Fling linkies we’ve been hosting over the past couple of weeks:
So today’s project is pretty much as basic as it gets, but it’s a goody. :)

I’m on a mission to have every one of you try spray painting, and hopefully this will convince you.
I’ve been wanting a much taller lamp on our foyer table for ages now. I found one at Goodwill a few weeks ago, brought it home but the light it didn’t work. ARGH.
Found this one the other day, and it’s almost identical:
It was super tall, very heavy and substantial and all kinds of brassy goodness. ;) AND $10 -- is Goodwill getting more expensive or is it me?

I love these older brass lamps because their lines are just beautiful – I think it’s hard to find them like this anymore.

I took it outside to the garage (on an old sheet) and gave it a quick prime:
I used the Valspar version till I ran out, then used the BIN. But I usually only use the BIN primer on something that will get lots of wear and tear, like a chair. It’s mega expensive (for primer), so don’t worry about that for most projects.

Then I gave it a quick coat of brushed nickel spray paint:
And people…that. is. it. 
For all that is good, go get some spray paint!! ;)

I grabbed a lamp shade that’s been in the family room for about a year now:
 I found it at HomeGoods and LOVE IT. It’s so funny though, because the grey spots used to be blue – the sun has bleached them out. So the grey color is a PERFECT match to the new lamp:
It was meant to be. ;)
Actually, I’d rather the shade be a bit taller, but I’m not complaining, since I was using what I had!

It looks SO much better than the shorty glass lamp I had there before:
 So there’s my latest spray paint transformation for ya:
My quick do’s for spray painting:
DO use short, quick sprays.
DO shake the can really well, and here and there throughout your project
DO spray paint in the garage (with the door open) or outside
DO use eye protection and a mask if you are concerned about fumes!
I hope that helps if you are just trying out!

Now, let’s see your spray paint projects! I would appreciate a link back to this post, and if you want you can add this pretty button:


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