No need to adjust your computer screen – yes this is two posts in one day. ;) Blogger had some issues last night and I couldn’t the post up, so it went live this morning.

Today I’m sharing a fun little craft project I’m linking up to Kate’s spring crafts party as a part of our Spring Fling linkies:

spring fling linkies

Soooo…I had a total blogger brain fart and forgot to mention Layla’s mantel party on Tuesday.

I suck.

I actually showed you our spring mantel in February (cause that’s totally appropriate):

And it hasn’t changed since. Honestly, it probably won’t change again till Christmas. ;)

Go link up your vignettes and mantels at Layla’s here!

So, onto the craft at hand…this one is super simple, it’s just time consuming. But mindless time consuming, so that’s good.

I saw this idea on Pinterest a couple months ago and have been planning on recreating it since!

I started with my new go-to wreath form – the pool noodle:

I’ve used one for a wreath before and it works GREAT! And wow, it’s cheap. The dollar store has them for…uhh…a dollar.

This one was a bit too long, so I cut it down with scissors, (it cut very easily) then used duct tape to secure the ends together:

pool noodle wreath form

Sorry, I didn’t clean for you. ;)

See? Perfect wreath form!

Because the pink was oh-so-bright, I got some green felt and hot glued it around:

You’ll see why I wanted green in a bit. :) It took four pieces of felt and I didn’t worry at all about it being perfect, obviously.

Then grabbed my “fur” yarn:

fun fur

I got two of these, which I needed. I used about one and a half for the whole wreath.

Then you wrap. And wrap. Check your watch. Watch a soap. Wrap some more.

Stretch your sore right arm.


This yarn is very thin, so it took a while. I think maybe an hour total? But again, mindless. I like mindless.

Perfect project for vegging on the couch. :)

I found these cutie paper flowers at Michael's:

And you may be getting the idea…I “planted” them in the “grass” on the wreath:

I think it is stinkin’ adorable:

grassy spring wreath

It’s perfect for spring! Very whimsical and I LOVE it.

Get ready…here it comes…

It’s so FLUFFY!!!!!

The Bub told me numerous times today how pretty it was. But it actually sounded more like “pwetty” when he said it. Melt.

I just took some ribbon I had and hot glued it to the top of the door – no wreath hanger needed. ;)

It looks great against the newish red door:

Obviously this wouldn’t be the best option for a door that is exposed to the elements. Our porch is tiny but I can hang just about anything on the door and it’s fine.

Total cost for me was about $10 – for the yarn and flowers (all on sale). Not too shabby!

I forgot a totally cute addition that was in my inspiration wreath:

(source – the incorrect site was linked before, so please refer to this one!)

I may have to add that little sign. ;)

We’ll continue the linkies next week with Rhoda on Tuesday and the spray paint party here on Thursday!


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