Hello there! I hope you had a positively lovely weekend!

I’m doing a little something different this week – taking some time off to hang with my family for the Fourth of July holiday. I’ve only taken a few weeks “off” from blogging in four years – and I don’t mind that it’s been so little because blogging doesn’t feel like work to me. (Best. job. ever.)

But this week I know you’ll probably be spending time with your families and friends as well, so I figured instead of coming up with posts to schedule, I’m going to take a few days off – and not do anything blog related. 

It’s exhilarating and frightening all at once! :)

Usually the July Before and After Party would go up this week, but I’ll push that back to next week. The next Show Us Your House party will be bathrooms, so get those ready for the week after (the week of the 16th).

I’ll be back later this week so until then, if you are new to TDC, check out my Our Home tab and my past DIY projects here to see what I’m usually up to.

I hope you have a WONDERFUL Fourth of July holiday with you and yours, and God Bless America!!



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