My favorite new gadget My favorite new gadget

Hello all! How is your week going? It’s been a slow one for me…it feels like molasses or something. I’m continuing on Decrapification 2013 (...

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8:44 AM

Spring DIY Spring DIY

With snow on the ground but the distinct feel of Spring in the air (or maybe that's wishful thinking), I went around the house, making n...

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2:27 AM

My kind of plant My kind of plant

Hey all! How are ya? I feel like poo today, and the weather matches – cold, rainy, icy. Poo. Remember when I blogged about that fun vintag...

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9:15 AM

The Lint Lizard The Lint Lizard

Coffee in hand, I'm ambitiously planning my day ahead. Maybe ambitious is too strong of a word... Here's my TO DO list so far: 1.  M...

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2:38 AM

Replace your Furnace Filter Replace your Furnace Filter

Hello there! Today I woke up and realized the heat has been on almost non-stop for 3 months. The windows have been opened only  when I burne...

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2:35 AM

Do-It-Herself Workshop (and giveaway!) Do-It-Herself Workshop (and giveaway!)

Hey all! I am so glad it’s Friday!! We had some ice accumulation here last night and I was hoping for a snow day for the kiddo, but we made...

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9:09 AM

Start small Start small

Well THANK YOU for all the comments on my mouse post . :) I’m serious, it helps that I’m not the only one who has dealt with it. I mean, I k...

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8:13 AM

The mouse story The mouse story

Hello all! Well things are starting to calm down around here a little bit, I’m done with the TV segments I told you about next week and the...

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7:26 AM