Update on the framed recipes:

A week or so ago, I painted two dollar store frames and printed out two recipes (one from my mom and one from my grandmother), but I couldn't decide what to do with them, besides having them somewhere in the kitchen.  Turns out we have either enormous walls - too big for the little frames, or tiny spaces - too cluttered with the little frames.  So I put them on the windowsill until I thought of a better idea:

And then one day while rummaging through cleaning out one of my cupboards, I found a roll of 1" wide black ribbon. And I thought, "Huh, that could work".

So staple gun in hand, I went to work.  I just measured the frames and the ribbon, and stapled the ribbon right to the back of the frames.  I left about 3" at the top and bottom. To hang, I used Velcro! (Shhh, don't tell Big A cuz that's gonna leave a mark if I ever pull it off.)

The recipe frames now hang in the kitchen next to the pantry door.  I think they look kinda cute there.

[caption id="attachment_787" align="aligncenter" width="225"] Frames hung on ribbon[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_789" align="aligncenter" width="225"] Frames with ribbon[/caption]




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