It's freezing cold, but sunny. But I can cope with the cold as long as the sun is shining.  I am sooo a sun person - I guess we all are. So what's a gal to do when there's no sun to brighten the day? Well in my case, you paint your house yellow!
(Mirror Project here)

This past weekend Centsational Girl posted a link to a color chart, which gave a short description of what each of the colors represent. Interesting. I am drawn to yellow, and likewise to orange and red. All three colors are energizing, but when you add in a golden tone, comforting. I walk into my home, with the walls all painted in various tones of gold and yellow, and feel relieved, and also energized and happy, as if the sun is shining (whether it's raining or not).

According to research, we're drawn to yellow because it represents the sun's power to sustain life.

However, warm colors (the ones I love) - like red, orange and yellow - stimulate the need to eat. So, I suppose, if one is looking to shed a few pounds, one should not paint the kitchen in those colors. Maybe that's why I'm sitting here munching a butter crunch cookie while I write!

Color has such a huge impact on our lives, and maybe we don't even realize it.  I'm sure Big A doesn't pick out a blue shirt with the intent of looking strong and reliable, but that is, in theory, what blue conveys. Similarly, blue is a very soothing color that can even reduce tension.  That's why it's often used in bedrooms - it has the ability to help us sleep. No wonder blue is the most popular color in the world. Researchers even say the plate that helps you to eat the least amount is one that is blue. (Note to self: buy blue plates.)

Marketers know how much color influences people, and use color to boost sales. Here are some of the more obvious strategies:
  • Red makes you feel hungry.  Not only that, but red makes you eat quickly, thus making room for the next customer. McDonald's use a lot of red in their restaurants. Get 'em in and out! Target uses red carts in hopes you will fill them up quickly.
  • Orange makes you feel like acting.  So if you want to click that pretty orange button that says “BUY NOW”, it's probably not your fault. Go to Home Depot or Walmart websites. The "buy now" or "add to cart" buttons are orange. Buying those new shoes may be beyond your control!
  • Blue makes you trust the seller. If a website looks trustworthy enough to share your credit card information with, you might want to think twice. At blue stores they hope you’ll stick around for a while, spending plenty of time and picking up plenty of items along the way. Good old reliable WalMart is blue.
  • Green makes us want spend more money! In fact, like blue, green makes us think the seller looks trustworthy enough to give him our money. Think bank foyers.
So, when you're decorating your home, do you think of color and what kind of mood it will evoke? I don't suppose I gave much thought to my choice of color. I just went with the colors I love. However, if I were to open a shop or restaurant, I would certainly give the colors a bit more attention.

Check out the color chart and see if the colors evoke a mood with you.


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