This is an old post, from my old website, about my old ottoman. The ottoman was old and badly worn, but some new fabric gave it a whole new look in under a hour. A year later and it still looks awesome.

I have 3 different projects in the works - all waiting for Spring to hit, and the snow to take a hike. Until that happens I can't get outside to paint! SO, in lieu of holding my breath, and risking imminent death, I thought I'd post this about recovering an old ottoman (it was so old it could be from the Ottoman Empire - get it? I'm so sorry.)

Anyway, here was the problem with the old ottoman:

(Yes, sadly I didn't just throw it away! In fact I used it! )

All four corners had split, and although I had sewn the edges back together before, years of the "little darlings" jumping on the furniture, had not helped any.  It was definitely time to either re-cover the thing or buy a new one.  At that point in time, I'd rather cover it than spend the money on a new ottoman, but I thought, "we'll see how it looks after the restoration".

Taking a good look at the ottoman, I realized that it wasn't in terrible condition structurally, and, I really was too lazy to didn't even need to take off the old fabric.

First, I unscrewed the legs, which took all of about 23 seconds:

Then, using the utility knife, I plucked the buttons off of the top of the ottoman - another 17 seconds.  This was my kind of work!

I laid out the fabric, wrong side up, which is a leather-like  material (sounds so much better than pleather).  And then plopped the ottoman in the center, upside down.

I made sure the edges wrapped up and around the ottoman, with about 3" spare on the underside.  I pulled the fabric taught, and started stapling all the way around, keeping it tight.  After I got staples around all four sides, I went back and filled in with staples, about 2 inches apart.

When I got to the corners, I spent what seemed like several hours (in reality it was 10 minutes) trying to get the "pleats" to look nice. With limited patience, here is what I said to myself: "Oh for goodness sake, just staple the dang thang and get this over with!".  And so I did.   I used the handy utility knife to cut the excess fabric, and I screwed the legs back on.  Presto!

After spending only about 1 hour on this I was very happy with the results.

(Later that year... the ottoman still looks great. I'm happy I covered it, and I still like the "pleather" fabric.)


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