Okay, so tell me, how on earth is July almost over? We've had a whirlwind of weddings, graduations and birthdays, so I suppose that's why the summer is slipping by. Lucky for us, we still have a 10 day camping trip, and then another few weeks before school starts. But there's so much to do! And I plan on enjoying every last bit of our summer with the kids, Big A and our families.

Who am I kidding? At risk of being labeled a piggy food obsessed, I'm going to be honest - one of my main concerns is that there are about a million recipes I wanted to try this summer, but haven't been able to so far! Yes, I would like a little wine to go with my whine.

There's nothing for it, but for me to get working!

So, with sheer determination, I vow to make the following ten recipes before the kids go back to school. (With my appetite, this shouldn't be too taxing.)

My Summer 2013 Culinary Bucket List:

1. Pinned from Modern Day Moms this "recipe" is something I'm dying to make. (Yes, I admit it, I'm dying to wrap a processed, cheese-stuffed hot dog, in bacon, and grill it.)

 Cheese Stuffed Bacon Wrapped Hot Dog
(Confession: I'll probably use mayonnaise instead of mustard!)

2. I can't resist making this no-bake Chocolate Chip Cookie Pie from The Kitchen Is My Playground. (I'll do just about anything to prove to my kids that I can bake, and I think I might achieve that goal with this recipe! Who cares if it's "technically" not baking? They won't know.)

3. I'm all over burgers, but sometimes I feel like changing things up a bit. These Cheddar Jalapeno Chicken Burgers look amazing. Check out the recipe at What's Gaby Cooking!

4. The Crafty Lumberjacks came up with this Kale and Blue Cheese Stuffed Flank Steak!  I'm sooo IN! This would be awesome on the grill, even though the directions are for baking. I'm going to serve this some night with a big salad, and #5!

5. SteakNPotatoesKindaGurl shared this recipe for Grilled Corn with Chipotle Butter - wouldn't that be perfect with the Flank Steak?

6.  Artsy Foodie has a recipe that is definitely on my list for light dinner on a hot night! I'm thinking about making this while we're camping. Cilantro Thai Grilled Chicken! I like the idea of serving this with a tomato and cucumber salad, and some fresh green beans, but I'm pretty sure Big A will require something a little more substantial - so probably a Yellow Rice dish as well.
Cilantro Thai Chicken
7.  Big A and I love seafood. Scallops are a favorite, and these sound great: Scallops With A Parmesan Crust For the BBQ, from Living in the Kitchen with Puppies. I've never tried to BBQ anything with a cheese coating on it, because I always assumed it would burn off. However, these look so good I have to TRY! I would definitely serve the scallops with a salad and some sort of basil dressing.
8. These Key Lime Cheesecakes are so cute! I have to! Check out the recipe at Cupcake Canyon!

9. Avocado. (I like it. I love it. I want some more of it... That song is totally stuck in my head.)

I have to try Crispy Avocado Fries, and soon. They look so good - crispy outside, creamy inside. Go to Rachel Schultz for the recipe! I'm not sure if I'm going to serve these as a side with grilled shrimp, or as an appetizer with a creamy dipping sauce? Maybe both.

Baked Avocado Fries from Rachel Schultz

10. Lobster. Admittedly, this is not something I need to try... I try these all the time. But I haven't had them yet this summer, and it's high time! Lobster reminds me of summers in Maine with my family, and romantic dinners with my honey.

Boil lots of salty water. Add your 2lb lobsters - 1 per person - to the water, head first. (Be brave! They don't scream, I swear. Well, they complain a little, but just ignore them... I'm JOKING!) Bring back to a boil, and then simmer for 20 minutes. Remove with tongs, and let cool before you crack and eat them. *Serve with LOTS of melted butter, with a squeeze of fresh lemon juice. Go directly to heaven!

How to Boil and Eat Lobster (photo)
(photo source)

Well, that's my list. I have to admit, I'm pretty excited that I have a culinary bucket list! I can't wait to try everything!

If you try any of these recipes, please pin from the original source, but let me know what you thought. I would love to compare notes! And please also tell me, what have you got left to eat do this summer?

C'mon and join the party!



Sunny Simple Sundays Party at Sunny Simple Life
Sundae Scoop at I Heart Naptime
Think Pink Sundays at Flamingo Toes
Nifty Thrifty Sunday at Nifty Thrifty Things
Restyled Sundays at Stylish Once Again
Silver Pennies Sundays at Silver Pennies
Frugal Crafty Home Blog Hop at A Blossoming Life


Before and After at Thrifty Decor Chick (first Monday of the month)



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