breakfast smoothie, diet breakfast smoothie, diet smoothie

I'm not a breakfast person. I drink coffee, and truly consider the creamer in my coffee, my breakfast.

That's bad.

I know they say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and sometimes I feel guilty for skipping it. (Plus nutritionists lead people think they're going to turn into a gibbering mess if they don't eat a healthy breakfast every day.) This week when I stumbled upon two little recipes I thought I'd give them a try.

Guess what? Both are delicious! Neither feels like breakfast - they feel like treats.

I found the first recipe in Redbook Magazine.  It is called "Magic Slim Down Banana Mocha Smoothie". I didn't make the recipe because it claims to be a slim-down, but that would be a bonus! I was drawn to the recipe because it had coffee in it, and so I read it through. I decided to make it for my daughter and me. (She also loves coffee and isn't too fond of breakfast!)

Your have to try this Smoothie! Here's the recipe:


1 large frozen banana
(The day before, cut the banana into chunks, put in a zip lock bag, and pop in the freezer)
1/2 cup cold coffee (leftover is fine)
1/2 cup fat free milk
1 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder (I used Nestle)
1 tbsp almond butter (I used peanut butter)

Add all ingredients to a blender and BLEND until smooth. This takes about 1 minute. The result is just like a milkshake.

According to the Redbook researchers, this shake will rev your metabolism, burn fat, and is full of antioxidants. Okay, that works. Plus, I figure, your getting fruit, dairy, protein AND coffee all in about 250 calories. Not too shabby.

My verdict: Delicious. 
Honestly, I was suspicious that the smoothie wouldn't be very sweet, 
and that my daughter wouldn't like it, 
however, it DOESN'T need sugar - it's sweet and creamy.
Plus it's filling! In the immortal words of Charlie Sheen, WINNING

OKAY, so then I ran across the following "cookie" recipe. I have two teenagers, and I'm lucky if the kids have time to grab an apple on their way out. If they do, I call that a good morning. But these little cookies are great to have on hand! I LOVE that I can cook these up, pop them in baggies, and hand them to the kids as we head out for school in the morning. Oats and banana? That's a pretty good breakfast.

2 ingredient cookie, breakfast cookies

For the full tutorial go to The Burlap Bag! The basic recipe is oats and bananas, mixed together and baked. You can add whatever you like, such as chocolate chips, Cinnamon, nuts, etc.  If you choose to eat them plain, they're sweet and delicious! Plus, no added sugar makes them a perfectly healthy breakfast.

Okay, so there it is. Breakfast. Could be my new thing.

What about you? What do you eat for breakfast, and what do you give your kids in the morning? 

Come and party HERE !!!


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