Welcome to the Merry Monday Link Party #25!

Merry Monday Link Party, link party, blog party, DIY party

How was your week? It has been a great week here, although the weather has taken a turn for the worse, and we had snow today (only a little, but STILL!!!). On the bright side, snow means that I can put a fire on, and justify all kinds of comfort food!

So, I hope you all have some great recipes for me, or maybe a DIY project I can sneak in on a cold day?! 

Merry Monday Link Party #25 Announcements:
  • Do you know about our Fall Cookie & Dessert Share-fest? All month long in October, the host's of the Merry Monday Link Party will be posting a new cookie or dessert recipe on their blogs each week. At the bottom of these posts, we'll be featuring all the treats that are shared during October's Merry Monday Parties! So, help us gear up for the upcoming holiday baking season by sharing your favorite holiday season cookie and dessert recipes and we'll share them on our blogs!
  • This week's added social media link-up is Facebook! If you've already linked up at a previous party, you don't need to link up again. Please visit and like three others in the link-up.

Meet the hosts of this party


Meet the Guest Hosts

Feature Posts

*Feature picks will be pinned to the Merry Monday Pinterest Board*

Most Clicked


My Feature Pick 

*Don't forget to visit the other hosts to view their feature picks too.*

A Swoon for a Spoon: Cameo Pendants

Sadie Seasongoods came up with the best cameo necklaces! I sooooo want one!  

If you were featured, grab the Merry Monday Linky Party feature button and display it on your blog, feature page, or sidebar.

Happy House and Home

Help Grow this party!

Help us grow this party by posting this party button in your sidebar, on your party page, or on your linked post.
Happy House and Home

Time to link up!

Party Guidelines

This week's social media link-up is Twitter If you link-up, please take the time to follow at least 3 other people OR follow everyone!


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