I learned a couple of things this weekend: I learned not to spit into the wind, and not to pull the mask on the lone ranger... But the main thing I learned was that it takes a reeeealy loooong time to make a coffee filter wreath.
Like ~ A. Really. Long. Time.
However, if you have episodes of Nashville and Chicago PD that you need to catch up on, and it's raining, it's something to do. And the silver lining ~ you don't feel like a lazy slug, sitting around all Sunday watching TV.
Here's what you need:
- Wire wreath
- Burlap, or any fabric
- Hot Glue Gun
- Hot Glue Sticks
- A pencil
- Coffee Filters (I bought them in brown, 400 of them)
- Coffee (or wine, I don't judge)
You could use any circle form - I happened to have this wire "wreath", so I covered it in burlap, to give the coffee filters something to stick to. I simply wrapped it, and glued it in place.
You can see that it doesn't matter how it looks at this point, the fabric won't show through, at all. Ooooh, look, wine is on sale!
Take a coffee filter and wrap it around the eraser end of the pencil. (Note I was full of vim and vigor going into this project! So easy, and so fun!)
Put a tiny dab of glue on the end of the coffee filter and place it on the wreath, like so:
Continue doing this, placing them about 1/4" apart. After the first couple of hours, you will get to about this stage:
At which time, you carry on for 40 more days and 40 more nights. (I'm starting to run low on vim and vigor after the first couple of hours, and really needed the aforementioned coffee, or wine. Still easy, but not feeling the "fun" anymore!)
As the wreath starts to take shape, you can use the pencil to stick the coffee filters down in and fill in any holes.
(Joking aside, I used about 300 coffee filters and the whole coffee filter gluing took me 4 hours.)
Once I felt most of the holes had been filled in, and had frankly, had enough of gluing coffee filters, I called it a day!
To hang, I tied it to an old frame, using jute. I toyed with the idea of using ribbon, but I deciced that I prefer the simple look.
Waddaya think? Cute, or does it look like a giant doughnut? Maybe everything looks like a giant doughnut with all of this talk of coffee. :)
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