Hello and Happy Sunday!

I got up this morning with hopes of getting an early start. However, the Technology Gods and Mother Nature had other plans for me it seems. Really, it's their fault.

First of all, I somehow manage to turn my computer screen sideways. Hmmm. In a panic, I shut down illegally, lost all of my post, and did what any techno-master would do - got my 12 year old son up to save the day.

If you ever have the same problem, you press ctrl, alt and the arrow buttons to reposition your screen the right way up. As my son solved the problem, he said "Oh, Mom, I love you" in his best patronizing tone.  Yeah. I don't get no respect!

I then had a call from my Mom, and stepped outside to look at my daffodils and discuss the planting of my Johnny Jump Ups (I'm easily distracted). As I was planning my planting tactics, the dogs started barking like crazy. I turned to see them chasing 3 big chubby raccoons!

Of course I had to stop what I was doing and take a picture. I was cooing and making kissy noises, but this guy wouldn't look at me.  He was just hoping I would go away!

OK, focus Jules.  Back to the real subject!

I've been painting this picture frame for about 3 months now. Really. I originally began when we still had snow on the ground, but I came to my senses and waited for nicer weather.

So, finally, a finished frame for a painting I have of two of my kids.

(Really mean confession - It was very nice of the woman to paint my kids for me for my birthday, but it doesn't actually look like my kids. At all. It might look like someone else's kids, but it doesn't look like mine.)

This is them, when they were little cuties!


And here is the painting.

Um, not quite. Either way, I still like it, and I want a nice frame for it.

So, this is the original gold frame. It didn't look good on my gold walls, or with the gold tones of the painting.

Easily fixed with spray paint! 

The first thing I did was put a little Vaseline on the corners so that some of the gold would come through and make it look a two-toned.
When I got outside, things went pretty fast.  I used my folding saw horses (which are a little on the old side, but I LOVE! You can get your own below.)

The spray painting is so much easier with the handle attachment thingy. I sprayed three light coats, and let it dry for about 20 minutes between each coat.

Next I rubbed off the black on the corners.

 It looked a little bright so I just lightly dusted it with the spray paint.

And here is what the frame looks like now. It looks better! It still doesn't look like my kids, but it looks better...

So what are you up to this beautiful Sunday?


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