Okay, if you haven't heard of this, and it sounds odd, then this is one of those things you're gonna have to trust me on.

Gelato Con Olio E Sale (Ice Cream With Olive Oil & Sea Salt)

The source for this recipe is Jamie Oliver. The link for the photo goes right to me at food.com.
"A la Carte" was the name of my catering company, and my profile on food.com. The photo was taken by GaylaJ on food.com.  

Back when I posted this recipe on Food.com, in 2007, I was a caterer, and was cooking all kinds of dishes, and open to all kinds of foods. I had been given a Jamie Oliver cookbook with this recipe in it. I hadn't tried olive oil on vanilla ice cream, but fully intended to. Once I did try it, that was it.  That summer, I swear I had this every single night for a week.

But over the years I kinda forgot about this delicious concoction. You see, I'd left catering when the kids got older because I just couldn't work the late nights and weekends. I became a cooking slave to my little darlings who insisted on hot dogs, mac 'n cheese, and deserts such as bubble-gum ice cream, and rocket pops.

But lately I've been missing some of the foods I used to cook, and have been going through all of my old favorites. In my binder, among the Thai and Indian recipes, was a copy of the recipe for
Gelato Con Olio E Sale (Ice Cream With Olive Oil & Sea Salt), and I was so happy for the reminder!

Lucky for my taste buds, yesterday it was almost 90, and today is the same.

SO, what's a girl to do? 

The obvious answer. Eat Ice Cream.

Now, please, please, please (pretty please) try this. It's so good. And, as I said all those years ago when I was about to try it, "If I don't like it, what am I out? A bowl of vanilla ice cream?"

    • 2 scoops good vanilla ice cream (I use the slow churned, because although it's lower in calories and fat, it's super creamy and rich tasting)
    • 2 TBSP extra virgin olive oil (Jamie says use grassy olive oil - well, I just have a decent Spanish Extra Virgin Olive Oil)
    • A pinch Course Sea Salt

  1. Put a couple of scoops of good quality vanilla ice cream in to a bowl. Drizzle with some very good extra virgin olive oil, and sprinkle with a pinch of sea salt on top.
So what do you say? Do you trust me? Will you try it, pretty please?!


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