Hello there! I hope you all had a great Memorial Day! We had a great weekend - got some planting done, hung out with family. We had a couple of nice days, but a little rain too.

I was horrified that it might rain on my proverbial parade. Every Spring I do the same thing. I'm shocked and surprised when there's a rainy day. It's as if I have seasonal amnesia. What? It's raining? Why is it raining?

(I also have allergy amnesia - Why is my nose running? Why do I have a headache? Am I sick?)

Yeah. I know. It's Spring. Spring means rain. Rain means a forced break from the yard work. Therefore, with the clouds forming, and my nose running, I came up with something to do inside that I thought I'd share with you. 

(Sorry about the pictures, I didn't have my camera and had to use my phone.)

Here it is:

Years ago, my grandfather made a frame to hold a cork board. He had it hanging in their cottage on the lake, pinned with photos of the family.  The original Pinterest.
He passed away years ago, and I've wanted to do something with the frame for EVER. It's kinda cool and chunky looking. I just couldn't decide on anything special enough to use it for. At one point I painted the cork part yellow, but nothing else really came to me.
Meanwhile I'd seen this idea on Pinterest and thought I could make something similar...

Because I was forced indoors, I decided to do someting for the frame, rather than wait for a better idea to come along.
So I cut out a square of burlap. (You know how to get a straight line when you cut burlap? You pull one the strings of burlap where you want your cut to be. The material will scrunch up, and when the string is pulled out, it leaves a perfectly straight line that you can then cut along.)
I then just pulled some of the strings along the edge to make a fray, like so:

Using the glue gun, I glued the square of burlap onto the cork board.
I drew a branch, while my two teenagers laughed at me for using my lil guy's paint brush. (You can see it below - the kind that comes with a coloring book.)

For the flowers, I used an empty soda bottle - right up off of my elder son's bedroom floor.
Yeah, we're classy.
Just dip and press.

 And there you have it. Wall art from an old frame, a kids paint brush, and an empty soda bottle.

I like it. And I'm happy I'm able to use my grandfather's frame. 

Want to PARTY???

 Party Time at The 36th Avenue


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