fabric strips, crafts, DIY garland, fabric strip garland

Big A and I have been working on a rather large project. In fact, it measures 10 feet tall. It's led to quite a few swear words, some maniacal laughter, and blood. Despite all of that, in the end, we won!

But I can't show you that yet. I need a couple of days grace period to get all the pictures up and, quite frankly, to have Big A to sit down and tell me the real names of the tools and parts we used. Otherwise, my post would give you a tool/parts list like this:

Bendy Thing
Metal Slicer

See what I mean? We need him.

SO, until tomorrow, I am going to show you one little thing I've been working on. ("Working on" may be too strong of a phrase - perhaps I should say "puttering with".)

A few weeks ago, I made a fabric scrap valance (tutorial HERE) for our double doors to the back yard. I really loved the look of it:

But then I decided I didn't like the rigidity of the tension rod with the rustic look of the fabric. So I strung all of the fabric strips onto jute twine and re-hung it as a banner.

Much better! I prefer the garland. What do you think?

Tomorrow I'll be back to post about our larger adventure! Until then! Julia


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