thai noodles, peanut noodles, noodle recipe

These noodles taste like a combo of Singapore Rice Noodles from our local Chinese Take-Out, and Thai Peanut Noodles. You could eat these as a meal all by themselves, or you could serve them with any Chinese or Thai style meat/main dish. I served them with Crispy Sesame Beef (recipe link below). It was all delicious!

I served the noodles warm, but they are good cold too. (I know because I had them leftover the next day for lunch, cold! Oh alright, I feel my snout is growing longer, I had them for breakfast.)

Keep in mind that this meal is not going to be listed on any Weight Watchers Menu, but it's got to be better for you than actual take out. And, despite the dietary failings, it tastes amazing!

Thai Peanut Noodles
serves 6-8

12 ounces angel hair
1 cup finely sliced carrot
1 cup frozen French green beans
4 tablespoons sesame oil

Cook pasta with the beans and carrot, according to angel hair package directions (about 4 minutes). Drain, and toss with sesame oil.


1/3 cup crunchy peanut butter
1/4 cup hot water
2 small cloves minced, fresh garlic
1/2 tablespoon ground ginger
1 tsp turmeric
1/4 cup honey
1/4 cup soy sauce
3 tablespoons rice vinegar
1/2 tablespoon chili-garlic sauce
1 tsp chili flakes (or fresh chili to taste)

For Garnish:

1/2 cup green onion, chopped
1 tablespoon sesame seeds

Mix the hot water and peanut butter together in a bowl, then add all of the remaining sauce ingredients to the bowl, while the pasta and vegetables are cooking. Mix the angel hair, veggies, and sauce ingredients well. Add garnish if you wish. Keep warm.

*I threw these noodles together to go with Crispy Sesame Beef. The beef came out crispy and tender at the same time. I cooked the meat in batches, moving the cooked meat to a paper towel. Just be careful not to overcrowd the pan!

(The link is for chicken, but I used sirloin beef, cut into thin strips. I did not deep fry - I used about 1/4 inch of oil in the bottom of a large frying pan. Also, note that this recipe calls for drizzling the meat with the marinade. I didn't like the idea of that, so, once the meat was all cooked and removed to paper towels, I then removed most of the oil from the pan. I de-glazed the pan with the marinade and added the meat back to heat through.)

**Ummm - embarrassing admission - we ate the meal before I took any pictures. The photo of the noodles is a picture of the leftovers! Unfortunately, we didn't have any leftover Sesame Beef for me to photograph. In my defense, I didn't think the meal would be blog-worthy until we ate it all!

Time for me to go powder my snout. :)


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