Hey there!

What's happening in your neck of the woods? Here? Not much. Well, except, The Apocalypse has begun. And, let me tell you, global warming is not the problem.

My husband snapped a picture of the outside temp as he left for work today.

That's the temperature! NOT the windchill! And we live in New York! NOT Antarctica.

So, that got us thinking. We are heating our house to 70 degrees. That's a 91 degree difference our poor furnace has to cover!

So far, the furnace is working, so I'm comfy and cozy. The rest of my family had to brave the cold - school wasn't cancelled, and Big A had to go to work. The dog, well, she HAS to go out periodically, for obvious reasons.

While I sit here feel somewhat guilty at being the only one able to stay indoors today, I thought I'd share a couple of little things I've been doing from the comfort of my kitchen.

First, over the holidays, I made a moose silhouette for my sister. The tutorial is HERE. I like the moose better than my own buck silhouette, so I might have to make another canvas...

Second, I painted an old jar/vase thingy I had kicking around. 

(YES! You can paint glass without the paint peeling off. However, I wouldn't use this for anything other than holding a candle.)

Here's what I did:

I cleaned the glass and put a K sticker on it. I thought about using primer, but then, well, you know... I live on the edge. The edge of my kitchen stool. 

how to paint glass, painting glass

Anyway, I painted the vase with three coats of paint, letting it dry completely in between coats. When it was very dry I peeled off the sticker, and stuck a candle inside.

(When my lungs are a little better, cuz I am recovering from pneumonia, I will spray the vase with Krylon Clear Finish.)

And there you have it. Nothing too energetic. I have to save my energy for making dinner!

Speaking of dinner, here is the conversation I JUST had with Big A, as he heads home for the night:

And with that, I will leave you until next time. I'm sure you will be back to see what I make for dinner - utilizing salsa and sweat pants of course. Recipe to follow...


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