Super Bowl Sunday is fast approaching! With 100 million viewers, it's practically a National Holiday.

However, I confess - I don't like football. I'm not lying when I tell you, I have no idea who's playing in the Super Bowl. Seriously. I'm sure it's all over TV, but I must tune it out.

Before you skewer me and roast me over a flaming hot grill, let me at least redeem myself by telling you that I love Super Bowl FOOD. And, I'm happy to stand in the kitchen and cook for those who prefer to recline in front of the big screen TV and scream at men they don't even know. 

Every Super Bowl party needs that one person who doesn't mind missing the play to get the wings out of the oven? Don't you agree? Well, that person, is me. So, it's better that I don't like the game! 

Plus, food is proven to be a very important part of the day, as Super Bowl Sunday is the SECOND LARGEST DAY FOR U.S. FOOD CONSUMPTION!!!  (After Thanksgiving, of course.) Clearly, Super Bowl Fans need sustenance, just as much as the players! 

And that, my friends, makes me an All-American Super Bowl Supportin' Gal. 

SO, until Super Snack Day game day, I'll be posting a few recipes that I'm thinking of making. 

First, I have a recipe I've hand picked from my own archives, for my sister. She's actually a true football fanatic, unlike her big sister. But, like me, she's also a snack fanatic. And I think she'll like these! 


super bowl recipes, super bowl snacks, food for super bowl

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  • 6 medium potatoes, unpeeled
  • 2 tablespoons Cajun seasoning
  • 1 tablespoon ground cumin
  • 1 tablespoon ground coriander
  • 1/3 cup olive oil

Chili Cream:
  • 1 cup sour cream
  • 1 tsp course sea salt
  • 1 teaspoon ground cumin
  • 2 tablespoons fresh cilantro (coriander) leaves, chopped
  • 2 teaspoon chili paste (or to taste) 

  • Directions:

Pre-heat oven to 400 F.
Scrub the potatoes, cut each into 6 wedges. I leave the skins on - c'mon that's where the vitamin C is hiding!

Bring a large pot of salted water to boil. Add the wedges and let them boil for 10 minutes. Drain well. When they are drained, give them a shake in the colander, to kind of "bash" them up on the outside. (I don't mean bash them until they break apart, just enough to rough up the outside of the wedge. This helps them crisp up in the oven.)  
Combine the potato wedges, spices and olive oil in a bowl, and mix well.
Transfer wedges to a baking dish and spread them out so that they aren't touching. Bake for about 1 hour, turning every 15 minutes, until nice and crisp and tender.
For the chili cream: Combine all the ingredients in a bowl and mix well.

What about you? Are you having a Super Bowl Party? What are you eating? 


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