Dark gray accent wall Dark gray accent wall

Hello everybody! It is beautiful outside and I’m SO excited about the project I finished up this weekend! I’ve been planning it for some tim...

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9:11 AM

Meatloaf Cupcakes Meatloaf Cupcakes

Anyone hungry? Me too! I'm always hungry! But in my house, it's difficult to come up with something everyone will eat. Big A is meat...

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8:31 AM

Showing off Michelle! Showing off Michelle!

Hello and happy Friday! It’s spring break for us as well, whoot! It’s actually warming up just a bit, right on time. I’m looking forward to ...

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8:51 AM

The family room sectional The family room sectional

First of all, THANKS for all the thoughts on the bathroom ideas I shared earlier this week! Many of you with multiple kids mentioned our ty...

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9:15 AM

Hand Painted Wooden Sign Hand Painted Wooden Sign

Flavor of the month: Western Decor. I love it. I want a little. Maybe a lot.  But for now, I'm going to start with just a little of the ...

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10:28 AM

The room you’ve never seen The room you’ve never seen

Dun dun dunnnnn . That sounded a bit ominous right? I shared a bit of of this space back when I showed you how to switch out your door kno...

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8:46 AM