It's time to make a Spring Wreath! The sun is shining, the birds are chirping... SPRING! 

Spring wreath, DIY wreath, Burlap Crafts, Burlap wreath, DIY burlap wreath

Okay, so that might be a slight exaggeration. It actually looks like this outside my front door:


And it's 0 degrees F. 

I'm so sick of winter, I could run screaming into the snowbank. In fact, I considered it. Then I realized that action might land me in a rubber cell ~ so I thought I'd forgo the snowbank, and move forward like a sane person, as if Spring has Sprung. 

I talked myself down off the proverbial snowbank... "The clocks are moving ahead, it's MARCH, Easter is right around the corner... Things aren't too bad!"

So as cooler heads prevailed, in my first effort to Spring Forward with the clocks, I grabbed a chocolate chip cookie and a cup of coffee, and made this easy wreath using:
  • Grapevine wreath
  • Strand of silk flowers 
  • Burlap Flowers (hand made) 
  • Burlap
  • Hot Glue
  • Pizza Box Lid
  • Twine
  • Acrylic Craft Paint
First, I attached the flowers to one side of the wreath, using a little hot glue. My favorite color is yellow, so that's the only reason I chose these flowers. In other words, I don't know if they're particularly Spring-like flowers, but you could use any flower you like.

Spring wreath, DIY wreath, Burlap Crafts, Burlap wreath, DIY burlap wreath

Spring wreath, DIY wreath, Burlap Crafts, Burlap wreath, DIY burlap wreath

Next, I wrapped a little burlap around the grapevine, on the opposite side of the yellow flowers. I did this because I wanted to make a letter to attach to that side, and wanted to make sure it would stay secure.

Spring wreath, DIY wreath, Burlap Crafts, Burlap wreath, DIY burlap wreath

I attempted to make some burlap "flowers" following the tutorial from Craftaholics Anonymous (Tutorial HERE). Yes, hers look waaaay better than mine! 

Spring wreath, DIY wreath, Burlap Crafts, Burlap wreath, DIY burlap wreath

To make the letter "K" (which stands for Kick winter the H. E. double toothpicks out of here), I used the cardboard from the lid of a pizza box. Oh yuh, classy as usual!

I painted the "K" black with craft paint and outlined it with a little twine. Of course, to save yourself this time, you could just buy a letter from a craft store for 99 cents!

Once I attached the K ~ voila! Spring!

Spring wreath, DIY wreath, Burlap Crafts, Burlap wreath, DIY burlap wreath

I hung this on my front door, which is covered by the front porch, so I don't have to worry about rain (or snow) ruining the "K".

Now that it's up, I feel better already!

In the words of Phil Roberston:


Oh, and just in case you don't use this method, or haven't thought about it... this is how I hang a wreath. Of course, you can see the little bit of twine on the inside of the door, but it looks Really Good from the outside!

Spring wreath, DIY wreath, Burlap Crafts, Burlap wreath, DIY burlap wreath

So tell me what you're doing to Springify at your house? Even if there's still snow on the ground?

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