DIY sign, wash your hands sign, bathroom sign

I have teenagers.

One of my greatest joys is causing them to roll their eyes, and in fact, I consider it my job, as their mother.

My take on my role as a parent wasn't always this warped. When I became a mother I looked at motherhood through rose-colored glasses. I could picture myself ~ a role model to my children through the years ~ the woman the children saw as their brave and noble heroine. They would gather around me, hoping I would dispense warm hugs along with invaluable advice...

Yeh right. That lasted until they were 7. Now I simply settle for getting their attention on occasion.

But I try to rise to every challenge. I'll win their attention any way I can, and I've found the best way is usually through irritation.

Oh, the joys of motherhood!

One perfect example of this is the day I painstakingly made a canvas covered in Pitbull lyrics, and hung it on the wall ~ as a simple and effective reminder to my children of how their mother is old and out of touch. (here)

Similarly, this week I found a zombie "wash your hands" printable (here).  I immediately thought of ruffling my kids feathers, so I downloaded and printed it, on regular old printer paper. 

(Unless you're 13 to 15, there's nothing WRONG with this cute printable. It's funny and quirky. However, I just KNOW it will elicit dramatic eye rolling and sighing in my house. Aaaaand, my work will be done.)

So here it is: 

DIY sign, wash your hands sign, bathroom sign

Once printed, I cut off the white edge and taped it onto a piece of "zombie green" craft paper, which I then popped in an old frame and hung it in the kids bathroom. 

DIY sign, wash your hands sign, bathroom sign

Let the adoration begin.  

Oh, and by the way ~ the frame was old, and the little hanger had fallen off of the back. Not to worry!!! I (to further the torment of my kids) used a pop-top.


DIY sign, wash your hands sign, bathroom sign

DIY sign, wash your hands sign, bathroom sign

Just an easy fix in case you need to hang something and don't have the right supplies!

Do your teens worship you? Or, like me, on some days, are you just happy to be tolerated? 

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