macaroni salad, summer recipe

I know. Macaroni Salad. BUT, before you turn away, my macaroni salad is different! Why? Because it has a secret ingredient. Don't you love secret ingredients?

I do because secret ingredients mean you have a unique recipe. And when you are making something as common as macaroni salad you NEED a secret ingredient.

(Speaking of unique... How do you find a rare rabbit? Unique up on it!) 

Secret Ingredient Macaroni Salad
serves 10

1 lb macaroni, cooked as per the package directions
1 medium carrot, grated
1 stalk celery, finely chopped
1/2 small red onion, finely chopped
3 hard boiled eggs, chopped
(start with) 1 cup full fat mayo
1 tsp salt (or to taste)
(start with) 1/4 cup SECRET INGRDIENT: Basil Pesto
1/2 tsp paprika
1 TBSP fresh basil leaves

macaroni salad, summer recipe

Cook the macaroni according to the package directions. Run under cold water to cool, and drain VERY well.

Hard boil the eggs. (I put the eggs in a medium sauce pan and cover with cold water, and bring to a boil. Immediately turn off the heat and allow the eggs to sit in the hot water for 15 minutes). Put them in cold water until they're cool enough to peel and chop.

Once the eggs and the macaroni are cool, mix all of the ingredients except the basil and paprika, in large bowl. According to your taste, add more mayo or pesto until the salad tastes the way you like it.

Transfer to a large glass or ceramic bowl.

Chiffonade the basil ~ stack the basil leaves and roll into a "cigar" shape. Slice into ribbons with a sharp knife ~ and sprinkle over the top of the salad.

Next, sprinkle the top of the salad with paprika (it's just pretty).

Refrigerate for two hours before serving.

Try a couple of the following add-ins:

1/2 cup chopped cooked bacon
1/2 cup chopped black olives
1/2 cup cooked peas

macaroni salad, summer recipe

Note: I use full fat mayo, because I like the flavor better with the pesto.

What about you guys? Do you have a secret ingredient for your macaroni salad? Do tell ~ I'm happy to try them all out! :)

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