DIY sign, fireman's prayer sign, fireman's sign

Hello there! I've been MIA a little this past week. I threw my back out, and was away for a few days on a motorcycle trip (which was interesting with a bad back!). I've missed doing some DIY, but even putting on socks was a chore! However, I'm baaaaack. (Pun intended.)

Recently, I've been working on a canvas that I have been wanting to make for my husband, who is a volunteer firefighter. I saw the most awesome sign made with the Fireman's Prayer by Shelly at Minette's Maze , and I knew I wanted to make my own version.

In case you've never seen it, here's The Fireman's Prayer is as follows, in the original form:

"Fireman's Prayer"

When I am called to duty, God
whenever flames may rage,
give me the strength to save some life
Whatever be its age.

Help me to embrace a little child
before it’s too late,
or some older person
from the horror of that fate.

Enable me to be alert
and hear the weakest shout,
and quickly and efficiently
to put the fire out.

I want to fill my calling
and give the best in me,
to guard my neighbor
and protect his property.

and if according to my fate
I am to lose my life,
Please bless with your protecting hand
my children and my wife.
- Author Unknown.

First, I printed the poem and took it to Staples to have it blown up the 20"x24", just so that I could space it out on my canvas.

Once I had an idea of the spacing, I used a pencil to draw my lines as guides. (Those pencil lines weren't easy to erase by the way! I ended up painting over them, lightly, which was somewhat successful.)

DIY sign, fireman's prayer sign, fireman's sign

Taking Shelly's lead, I drew the fireman's cross, or Maltese Cross (used throughout the Fire Service in the United States as a symbol of Honor, Courage, and Dedication) in the center of the canvas.

I spent weeks trying to figure out the easiest way to transfer the poem onto the canvas. Weeks! Should I used a projection method, or stencil, or tracing... Decision making is not one of my strengths, so in the end, I forced myself to just do it, and wrote it out in my own hand. 

DIY sign, fireman's prayer sign, fireman's sign

And that's it. The canvas is finished, but now I have to mount it on SOMETHING. Hopefully it won't take me weeks to figure it out! (That's where I'm hoping you will help me!) 

DIY sign, fireman's prayer sign, fireman's sign

Please let me know if you have any ideas of what I should mount it on, or maybe something unusual to frame it with... Any ideas are most welcome! :-)

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