photo canvas tutorial, DIY photo canvas

Making a photo canvas is so seriously easy ~ you have to try it.

Here's all you'll need:

8x10" photo
8x10" canvas
Mod Podge
Craft Paint

First, find a digital photo you want to transfer to canvas. I used PicMonkey (free photo editing program) to brighten up the photos I wanted to use. With PicMonkey you can also change your photo to Black and White, or Sepia... there are all kinds of ideas. Just play. :-)

Once they're the way you want them, send them to WalMart photo shop (or wherever) to have them printed. I chose 8x10", and they were $2.84 each. 

(Walmart also has 2 packs of 8x10" canvases for about $4.) 

Take your craft paint and paint the edges of the canvas. I used black, but you could used any color to match your photo. It only takes only about 15 minutes for this to dry. 

Next you're going to need Mod Podge. You can choose matte Mod Podge or glossy. I used matte.

Make sure your photo fits to the edges of the canvas, or use an exacto knife if you have to trim to fit. 

Paint the front of the canvas with mod podge, and carefully place your photo onto the canvas.

I didn't paint on too much mod podge, but not too thin either ~ don't worry too much about this. You just want the photo to stick down to the canvas and be nice and snug. Use your hands to smooth out any bubbles. 

Next take your paint brush and "paint" the mod podge on the front of your photo. Try to make all of your brush strokes in one direction. The picture below shows this. These brush strokes are going to make the photo look like it was painted on to the canvas. 

photo canvas tutorial, DIY photo canvas

Let dry for a couple of hours and there you have it! 

photo canvas tutorial, DIY photo canvas

These make awesome gifts, or you could just make a couple for yourself! 

photo canvas tutorial, DIY photo canvas

Have you made a photo canvas? Do you have any tips or tricks to add to my tutorial? I'd love to hear! x Julia

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