prime rib, prime rib recipe, how to cook prime rib
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Mageirocophobia. Do you know what that is? It's the fear of cooking, and it's a real phobia. 

I think I had it yesterday. 

Last night I had to roast a Prime Rib. The thought terrified me. (Slight exaggeration - it's not like I needed medication or anything, and I really wasn't particularly fearful. But I was a little nervous.) 

Honestly, I'm not a big fan of Prime Rib. Or, let me re-phrase that, I wasn't a big fan of Prime Rib.

I've never cooked a Prime Rib, so I did what any resourceful girl would do, and text a "cheffy" friend, who informed me that it was "easy" and to keep the internal temperature of the meat under 125. That wasn't much help.

So, I jumped on my computer and after a few minutes found a recipe for "Magic Prime Rib" on, by Chef Potpie. I like magic.

The recipe sounds too good to be true...

But it isn't. It worked perfectly. Magic

Not only do I now love Prime Rib, I will cook it this way fo-eva.

Try it and see!

Pre-heat the oven to 350F. Take a 5 1/2 lb boneless prime rib. Rub it up with a spice mixture. (I used 2 tsp sea salt, 2 tsp ground black pepper, 1 tsp garlic powder)

Put the roast in a roasting tin, in the oven for exactly one hour. Don't open the door to look at it. 

At exactly one hour, turn off the oven. Leave the roast in the oven for exactly one more hour. Don't peek. 

Without removing the roast, set the timer for 1/2 hour and turn the oven back on to 400F. 

After the 1/2 hour, remove the Prime Rib from the oven. 

Remove the roast to a cutting board, and let sit for 15 minutes before you carve. 

So that was easy. But I was nervous. And then I sliced it ~ perfectly done ~ medium rare, with a dark brown crispy outside. Whaaat?!

I was feeling pretty happy about conquering my prime rib phobia at this point, so I managed to prepare a quick au jus: 

Add two to three cups of water to the pan drippings, and bring to a gentle boil, while you scrape up all of the browned bits from the bottom of the pan. Add 1/2 tsp garlic powder, and 1 tsp instant coffee (yes, coffee.). Let the au jus gently simmer for a few minutes. Taste and season with salt if it needs it. 

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