framing, DIY frame, DIY canvas, DIY wall art,

My kids just returned from a month long trip in England. 
They had a great time, but I'm sooo glad they're home! 

While they were off travelling, I was in touch with them daily, mainly via text. They went to a family wedding, saw the Cricket, saw a play, ate out, shopped ~ and kept me up to date on all of their antics. 

One day I received a text from my son, who tends to be the thoughtful child in the family, that said, 

"We're going to the Henri Matisse Exhibition at the Tate Gallery today".

At the same time I got a text from my daughter, intellectual, but more of the comedian in the family, which said 

"Mom, we have to go see some Art Dude today". 

They enjoyed it. My son said that Matisse had a great mind to think of the things he did. But my daughter said "It was a tad boring, art just isn't my thing."  Well, you can't win 'em all. 

Either way, they brought home Matisse print, which needed a frame. 
I wanted it to stand out so I decided to mount it on canvas.

First I painted the canvas black 
(well, most of it, that center part wasn't going to show). 

Next, I painted the center of the canvas where the print would be mounted, with mod podge. 

I carefully centered the print. Once the print was down and in place, I painted over the top of the print with mod podge, and was careful to keep the brush strokes even. You can use your hands to press out any bubbles. 

It took a couple of hours to dry, and was ready to hang. It's hanging in their game room, where it can remind them of their trip. 

However, I'm now toying with the idea of stenciling "Art Dude" as a title on the canvas. :)

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