Simple Hand Painted Sign, Rustic sign, DIY rustic sign, Bon Appetit

Once in a while, I get the urge to make a sign, but I don't have a Silhouette Machine. Sometimes I sulk about that. Sometimes I put on my big girl pants and just deal. Life is full of disappointments, right?

So, if you're poor like me, but still want to make a cute sign, all it takes a little more time...and a little more patience. 

(Perhaps a glass of wine cup of coffee or two.)

The idea is simple. If you can cut, trace, and color between the lines, 
you're all set!

1. I found a piece of board, and gave it a coat of black paint. I used MinWax PolyShades in Black Gloss, but you could use stain, craft paint, whatever is on hand. 

2. I chose a free font that I liked, and downloaded it to Microsoft word. 

3. I enlarged the font to around 200, and printed out the phrase I wanted to use. Depending on the height of your board, you will need to adjust the font size accordingly. 

4. Next, I cut the letters out and taped them to my board. (Tricky, eh?)

Simple Hand Painted Sign, Rustic sign, DIY rustic sign, Bon Appetit

5. Using a ball point pen to trace around each letter, I pressed firmly, so that it would indent the wood, to help me paint between the lines!

Simple Hand Painted Sign, Rustic sign, DIY rustic sign, Bon Appetit

6. Once my phrase, Bon Appetit, was pressed into the board, I filled the letters in with white craft paint. 

7. Let the paint dry for several hours. (Insert coffee, or whatever you're drinking, here.)

8. Once the paint was good and dry, I used sand paper to "age" the sign. 

9. I wrapped each end in jute rope and secured it with hot glue, just for kicks and giggles. 

Simple Hand Painted Sign, Rustic sign, DIY rustic sign, Bon Appetit

10. Voila! A rustic sign ~ made without needing a Silhouette machine.

Simple Hand Painted Sign, Rustic sign, DIY rustic sign, Bon Appetit

How about you? Do you have a Silhouette? 
Or do you plod through life without one? 
Most importantly, do you think Big A should get me one? 
(Please leave HIM a comment!) 

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