mod podge on glass, burlap mod podge, burlap projects, mod podge projects

I'm very proud of myself today! 

I am a procrastinator. To add to the problem, I lack concentration. I'm too old to change, so I just embrace it.

That's why I'm super happy that I finished my burlap table!  HERE is the original half of the project, where I used mod podge to cover a glass table top with burlap.

mod podge, burlap crafts, mod podge and burlap

BUT, the edge of the table needed something, a thanks to you guys, I got some great ideas on how to finish that edge.

One of the ideas was to use rope around the edge. So this morning, as I was shopping in my basement, I ran into some Manila Hemp Rope. "Hello there!" I thought. "What Can I Use You for?" . And so began my day...

mod podge on glass, burlap mod podge, burlap projects, mod podge projects

It was the perfect rope to put around the edge of the burlap topped table. So, now it's done ~ and it's only been one month since I posted about the table in the first place! This is nothing short of a miracle for me. :)

To illustrate how disorganized I am ~ here is a timeline of the first hour of my day  (and clear picture of my lack of concentration):
  • Drink 1/2 cup coffee
  • Add blog links to several blog parties
  • Go upstairs and gather laundry from 13 year old son's bedroom
  • Re-heat coffee
  • Think about project to start today
  • Look in my closet and take out old hanging lamp
  • Look at the lamp for several minutes, lack any ideas
  • "Shop" in basement, and find rope
  • Have vague realization that I never finished burlap mod podge table
  • Re-heat coffee, again
  • Check emails
  • Realize I forgot to turn laundry on
  • Turn laundry on
  • Feed dog, and wonder why she lies down and groans
  • Realize I already fed dog
  • Clean one sink in double basin bathroom (just one, not the other one)
  • Take out camera and charge battery
  • Realize the rope is exactly what I need to finish table
  • Eat handful of potato chips with cold coffee
  • Go back to basement and get the rope
  • Glue rope to coffee table
Somehow things get done. Sometimes twice, and sometimes late, but they get done!
And the table is done. So I'm feeling pretty industrious!

Now onto that lamp... and the rest of my disjointed, fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants day. 

mod podge on glass, burlap mod podge, burlap projects, mod podge projects

Please tell me I'm not the only one who lives like this?! Then I can prove to my husband that I'm perfectly normal!

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