spring wreath, wreath, spring printable, free printable

Hello from Jekyll Island! We're on our yearly family vacation, in our favorite place, but I thought I'd quickly show you a couple of things I threw together before we left! 

I know lots of you (us) are disappointed with the weather at home ~ apparently we have SNOW again. Boo. 

BUT, hang tight. It can't last forever. 

Regardless of Mother Nature being a cruel old meanie, I got two free sweet little printable: A mini-bunting from Landeeseelandeedo, and peeps from Flamingo Toes

They're both so sweet, they cheer me up. 

The "Get Your Peeps On" printable is cute - can you see the little yellow bunny is saying "yo" and has on a medallion? (Nothing like Pimpin' up a Peep!) 

The second printable, a mini-bunting, is the perfect size to adorn a wreath. 

spring wreath, wreath, spring printable, free printable

When I get home, I hope we do have Spring. Until then I hope you all are having a wonderful week. 

spring wreath, wreath, spring printable, free printable

Happy Easter!!! 

Thank you to Flamingo Toes and Landeeseelandeedo for the printables! 


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