Planting around the exposed foundation of our new modular home is on my big "to do" list, so I'm very excited to have to opportunity to get started.  My birthday present from my parents was a whole bunch of plants from the local garden center, which with my Mom's guidence I got to pick out!  What an awesome birthday present!

The house has two areas in the front that I'm really excited to adorn with some plants. Let's face it, that exposed foundation looks like H. E. double toothpicks.

[caption id="attachment_320" align="aligncenter" width="300"] The front to the right of the porch[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_321" align="aligncenter" width="300"] The side of the house[/caption]

I didn't really want to plant any high maintenance gardens, because although I adore gardens, gardening is not exactly one of my strong points.  Ideally I wanted some pretty substantial shrubs and plantings, perhaps that will fill in and spread on their own, with little effort on my part.

So yesterday, my mother and I headed to Dickman Farms, where we spent a couple of hours in flower and plant heaven!  It was not only a bright sunny day, but only about 70 degress - beautiful!

[caption id="attachment_322" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Butterfly on a butterfly bush[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_323" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Flowers everywhere[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_324" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Love the yellow![/caption]

Eventually we stopped drooling over plants that wouldn't work for the "gardening disadvantaged", and got down to business.  We found 6 shrubs that fit the bill, and various other perenials, like hostas, day lilies and astilbies.  (Pat on the back to me for remembering those plant names!).

[caption id="attachment_325" align="aligncenter" width="300"] We had 2 wagons full[/caption]

Thank you Mom and Dad, so much!  We have our work cut out for us, getting all of this planted.  However, I can't wait to plant, and see what these guys look like in a couple of years (if I manage to keep them alive!).  Big A is happy too!  I think his exact comment was "Thank you for all the work you're creating for ME!"  I'm sure he meant it sincerely, so that's why, as a special thanks for all of his hard work, Mom and I bought him his "dream tractor" !

[caption id="attachment_326" align="aligncenter" width="300"] NOT![/caption]


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