Hello there and how the heck are ya? I’ve been working my tail off this week and am getting ready to reward myself with a glass of wine and a bowl of (stovetop…YUM) popcorn.

And now my mouth is watering for that popcorn so this post may be a quick one. ;)

Today I’m showing off some of your kiddo rooms you all shared at the May Show Us Your House party. Take look here if you missed it – more than 260 fun rooms are linked up!

I have to start with this AWESOME pirate room at Batchelor’s Way:

pirate room

I saw this month’s ago and have admired it since – I think it’s SO well done. A bit of a theme but still classic. My son is all about pirates (and Legos, trains, ninjas, pretty much everything) and he would LOVE this.

My girl Chris at Just a Girl created an absolutely beautiful space for her beautiful girl:

blue and pink girls room

I love that sweet pink mixed with the blue, and the rug is just the perfect little twist. Gorgeous!

I think boys rooms are hard – and this one at Life as We Know it is so fun and colorful and bright:


I just love all the little details like the orange dresser, the chalkboard and the book shelves. This is a happy room! :)

OK, can you imagine having this playroom at Simply Organized as a kid?:


Holy cats, that is AWESOME! I just think this is the bees knees – especially that there’s one for the girls and one for the boys. Coolest. parents. ever.

If boys rooms are hard, then tween rooms are even harder. :) This sweet room at Finding Home is a perfect balance of in between for her tween girl:

tween room purple

I see a peek of an orange chandy in there too – I love how she mixed the colors in this space.

This nursery at Someday, My Favorite is a dramatic gray, and I love the wall art:

gray nursery

The walls are dark, but the colors and fun wall art lighten up the room and make it a very sweet space.

As always you all rocked my socks off with these rooms! I can’t wait to see your outdoors spaces – that linky will go up this coming Monday night.

Remember, if you’d like to pin these, please visit the blogs to do so. :)

And now I’m off to make that popcorn. Nom nom. Have a GREAT weekend!


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