At 6:30 a.m. we woke up to thunder, and a deluge.  We got the kids off to school for their penultimate day of school and headed to Home Depot. Despite the apparent weather restrictions, we were optimistic and I personally had a day of DIY planned.

First on my list was to recover an old ottoman.  Second was to finally re-spray paint our wrought iron outdoor furniture.

I sat down in the living room to take the legs off the old, ratty, ottoman.  Years of kids jumping on it, and using it as part of their endless fort building, has rendered it less than appealing.   And barely functional, for that matter.


 Using the giant brass tray to disguise it just isn't working anymore, so it's time to re-cover it.  My game plan was this:  take the legs off and recover with some really cool leather fabric my mother had left over from a chair upholstery project.

I figured this would only take about an hour.  I took the legs off, and then proceeded to spend several hours, rummaging through the basement looking for just one of my many staple guns.  Mission aborted and project on the back burner!  Every time i need a staple gun, it goes MIA, and I buy a new one.  I refuse to buy any more staple guns! 

So, until I find the strength to spend any more time in the basement, I decided to move on to spray painting the outdoor furniture.  I figure this will only take an hour or two for the first coat.  I bought a really cool speckly black outdoor spray paint, and I think it's gonna look much better with a clean coat of paint.  Too bad I left the spray paint in my husband's truck, and he's gone to work until 11 pm...

So, I guess it's gonna be one of those days.  Even the cat is exasperated with me:

He wants me to chill out and take a nap.


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